3 Steps to Fix Slow Metamask Transactions, For Free

3 Steps to Fix Slow Metamask Transactions, For Free

Author: Elan Halpern

Reviewed by Brady Werkheiser

Published on January 27, 20222 min read

Have you ever experienced slow transactions on Metamask? Dropped transactions? Inaccurate gas price recommendations? We feel you...

To supercharge your Metamask wallet for free, follow these three simple steps below!

pssst if you already have an Alchemy account and API key, skip to step #3. Yes, that means it’s literally one step 🤩

NOTE: These steps will only work for Polygon, Arbitrum, and Optimism. For instructions on how to do this for Ethereum Networks, skip to the second section.

To begin with, we'll have to create a free Alchemy account. Creating the account will give us an API key that we can use to connect to any network in Metamask.

We need to create an application to get our API key. Check out this guide for instructions on this. Make sure to create a key for the network you wish to connect to!

NOTE: These steps will only work for Polygon, Arbitrum, and Optimism. For instructions on how to do this for Ethereum Networks, skip to the second section.

Navigate to your app details page in your dashboard and click the “Add to Wallet” button in the top right corner.

Screenshot of an Alchemy project dashboard
Click 'add to wallet' to connect your app with Metamask.

After this, your Metamask should pop open and prompt you to use this RPC to connect to the network.

A GIF explaining the process of connecting the users project with Metamask wallet.
Click 'Switch Network' to verify the process of connecting the dashboard with the Metamask wallet.

Once you approve this question you’re all set! Enjoy the faster transactions ✅

First off, if you want this to be as easy as the three steps above, upvote this issue!

But in the meantime, follow the steps below!

Navigate to your MetaMask wallet and click the network dropdown at the top, scroll down and click “Add Network” at the bottom.

Screenshot of Metamask Wallet showing the available networks for connection
The Networks menu, lists the available networks for connection.
Screenshot depicting the process of adding the support for a new network on Metamask.
Fill in the required details to save the network.

1. Network Name

2. New RPC URL

Grab the HTTP API key URL from your Alchemy Dashboard. If you don't have a dashboard account, go back up to the "Set up a free Alchemy account" step and set up your account. Make sure your Alchemy app’s chain matches the chain you want to connect to.

Screenshot of alchemy project dashboard highlighting the HTTP API key URL.
Copy the HTTP API key URL and ensure whether the App's chain matches with the chain you wish to connect to.

3. Chain ID

Each network has a unique Chain ID, add the one you want to connect to:

  • Ethereum Mainnet - 1

  • Ropsten Testnet - 3

  • Rinkeby Testnet - 4

  • Goerli Testnet - 5

  • Kovan Testnet - 42

  • Polygon (Matic) Mainnet - 137

  • Mumbai Testnet - 80001

  • Arbitrum One - 42161

  • Optimism (Optimistic Ethereum) - 10

  • Optimistic Kovan - 69

4. Currency Symbol & Block Explorer URL

These are are optional inputs, however, for the layer 2s and side-chains, setting these can be useful.

  • Ethereum

         Currency Symbol - ETH

          Block Explorer URL - https://etherscan.io/

  • Polygon:

          Currency Symbol - MATIC

.         Block Explorer URL - https://polygonscan.com/

  • Arbitrum:

          Currency Symbol - AETH

          Block Explorer URL - https://arbiscan.io

  • Optimism:

          Currency Symbol - ETH

          Block Explorer URL - https://optimistic.etherscan.io

You might get a warning that this network is already in use, feel free to ignore it - you’re allowed to have multiple of the same networks!

5. Once all the required fields are filled out, save it and you’re done!

That’s it! You should now have a way better time transacting using Metamask!

To learn about even more unlocked features from using Alchemy as your Metamask endpoint, check out this article.

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