Smart Contract Tools
OpenZeppelin (Solidity) contract patterns written and optimized in the Huff assembly language.
What is Chuff?
Chuff is a small library of solidity contract patterns written in Huff by Chainlink developer Alex Roan in August 2022. Chuff provides interfaces and code starts for using OpenZeppelin's 'safe-math' and 'ownable' frameworks, but gas optimized by ~80% using the Huff assembly language. Chuff's underlying language Huff is shipped with a speedy compiler, debugging library, VSCode extension, and set of project templates to make getting started a walk in the park.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to Chuff
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with Chuff.
Hello World
Smart Contract Templates
An Alchemy beginner smart contract for the "Hello World" example.
Solidity Coverage
Solidity Developer Tools
Code coverage for Solidity smart-contracts.
Solidity Visual Auditor
Solidity Developer Tools
A VS Code extension that helps with writing security-conscious Solidity code.
Resources and Guides about Smart Contract Tools
Chuff Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like Chuff.
Smart Contract Tools
An Interface to interact with contracts on EVM chains (including a local chain).
Constructor Encoder
Smart Contract Tools
Part of a handy set of tools for all Ethereum (EVM) Developers made by Deth Tools.
Smart Contract Tools
A local Ethereum Virtual Machine simulator for the development and testing of smart contracts.