What is ABIType?
A wagmi-sponsored project, written by awkweb.eth, and packed with type definitions and utils for ABI values and properties. Also supports EIP712 typed data. Developers can add coding efficiencies such as type checking and autocomplete for variables and functions. Custom types can also be added to library instances. Used by 100s of developers.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to ABIType
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with ABIType.
Smart Contract Tools
The Dedaub Security Suite provides comprehensive blockchain project security.

Smart Contract Tools
A Solidity library to handle complex fixed-point math with signed and unsigned variables.

Smart Contract Tools
CLI for creating Solidity DApps with hevm and not RPCÂ for smart contract transactions.
ABIType Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like ABIType.