Martian Wallet
Software WalletsSmart Contract Wallets
Martian Wallet
Martian Wallet is a self-custodial wallet for Aptos & Sui.
What is Martian Wallet?
You can use Martian Wallet to store, send, receive tokens, manage & mint NFTs, and make P2P Twitter transactions in a secure and friendly way. Martian Wallet currently supports Aptos & Sui blockchains.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to Martian Wallet
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with Martian Wallet.
Smart Contract Wallets
Candide is a smart contract wallet that uses Account Abstraction.
pier wallet
Smart Contract Wallets
pier offers an advanced smart contract (account abstraction) wallet on multiple blockchains.
Hardware Wallets
SafePal is a crypto hardware wallet, and wallet manager.
Resources and Guides about Software Wallets
Martian Wallet Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like Martian Wallet.
Software Wallets
Pillar is a self-custody smart wallet with cross-chain and account abstraction superpowers.
Web3 SDKs
Peaze is a seamless Web3 user experience SDK that allows access to a wallet with a social login.
Phantom Wallet
Software Wallets
Phantom is a leading multichain crypto wallet on Solana, Ethereum, and Polygon.