Blockchain Security Tools
The SCSVS is a list of standards that ensure smart contract security.
What is SCSVS?
Founders of Composable Security - Paweł Kuryłowicz, and Damian Rusinek - authored the Smart Contract Security Verification Standard (SCSVS) to make it easier for developers, architects, and analysts to build, and enforce security standards from the ground up. Analysts can use the SCSVS to discover areas of vulnerability in smart contracts. Developers can use the SCSVS as a guide when building smart contracts from scratch.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to SCSVS
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with SCSVS.
Pocket Universe
Wallet Security Tools
Pocket Universe is a free browser extension that keeps assets safe when you sign web3 transactions.
Static Analysis Tools
Open-source, configurable Solidity linter for syntax-related vulnerabilities built by Protofire.
Wallet Security Tools
Infrastructure security provider for non-custodial digital asset.
Resources and Guides about Blockchain Security Tools
SCSVS Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like SCSVS.
Blockchain Auditing Companies
ImmuneBytes is a Web3 security audit company that makes decentralized applications more secure.
Blockchain Security Tools
BDD / TDD assertion library compatible with javascript testing frameworks.
Nefture Security
Blockchain Security Tools
The only web3 RPC-based firewall that keeps your wallet safe and helps you avoid crypto scams.