Smart Contract TemplatesBlockchain Auditing Companies
OpenZeppelin Contracts is an open library for smart contract development.
What is OpenZeppelin?
Provided through a stable API, OpenZeppelin Contracts provides an interface for developers to build Solidity and Cairo smart contracts. Developers can leverage secure practices to build ECR20, ECR721, ECR1155, Governer, and custom smart contracts through interactive wizard tools or with Remix. More than 30k developers follow and use OpenZeppelin's tools and libraries to build Web3 DApps.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to OpenZeppelin
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with OpenZeppelin.
NFT Drop Finder
NFT App Templates
A demo of the Alchemy Transfers API to hunt for cool NFT mints on Polygon.
Huff x Foundry
Dapp Templates
A Foundry Library for compiling, debugging, and working with Huff contracts in Solidity.
NFT Smart Contract Templates
An optimized implementation of the IERC721 standard with multiple tokens minting at low gas cost.
Resources and Guides about Smart Contract Templates
OpenZeppelin Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like OpenZeppelin.
Synthetix Smart Contracts
Smart Contract Templates
Solidity smart contracts for the Synthetix liquidity protocol logic range and use case.
Polygon Smart Contract Tutorial
Smart Contract Templates
Polygon smart contract quickstart by Alchemy for beginners in Solidity.
Smart Contract Templates
Open-source Vyper on-chain voting and governance smart contracts.